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If I buy the physical version, do i get both the mac and windows versions of the games?

Yes, you get every listed version of each game.


Why 15 dollars? I see al the games are free… am I misisng something?


If you choose to go each dev's and play the games that way, that's also the anthology working as intended. I put them up for $15 to normalize paying for for more alternative games if people want to do that and because it takes time to both make these games and to cleanly curate them and present them.


I mean if the developers of those games you are selling are getting their fair share, it is nice….

But only if the money its not only for you…


Then I suppose it's a good thing that it says as much at the top of every page.

"Also, and this part is very important to me and should truly be taken as given, each contributor is paid and developers are paid royalties on all future sales."