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this zine is pretty cool.

uhmm ok its good...


Its $5 worth of games for $15. I understand supporting indie creators, I support a few on patreon myself and am a creator myself but it should be made very apparent that this is just to support the creators. I like it, but just be honest about whats going on.


I don't think there really is such a thing as "$5 worth of games" or "$15 worth of games". But even if I really break it down, $1.50 for a game is not a lot to charge. I don't think it's disingenuous, just that you and I have a different valuation of games.

I don't think its that much to pay either. But I mean it not subjectively, just literally. A few of these games in this pack are available for free download on this site. I just think that it should be made more clear that you have the option to download the free games for free. I am not setting the price point at $5 due to any personal opinion towards the games, but if you wanted to play all of these games (Except the last one which is an exclusive to this bundle) you would have to pay a minimum of $5. Again i would like to mention I think this is a great project, and I am very happy the creators of these neat games are gaining money for their work, I just think it should be mentioned which games are available for free download.


Ah gotcha, my bad. Generally in the past when people have told me "these aren't worth the price" they mean something more in line with "you shouldn't be charging for these sorts of games".

 I tend to be candid with people in conversation and at events that even if they don't buy the issue, they should check out each linked dev where often the games are free. That's implicit on the store page given I link to each dev's own site. And putting it front and center kind of undercuts the idea that I'm trying to normalize paying for shorter, more alternative games but there's no reason I can't sneak a little "if you don't want to buy it check the links" towards the end of the page. 

I also think there is some amount of value to the curation and presentation of having the games already neatly packaged together for you. Also in some months, like this friday's october release, it's cheaper to buy the anthology, so it isn't always strictly a case of simply paying more to support the devs. 


horrible game

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Thank you for the warning


This game look awesome and all.... I just wish I had 15$ to spare.